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How To keep Safety Glasses From Fogging Up

Last Updated on October 1, 2019 by Duncan

Are you wondering how to keep safety glasses from fogging up? There are many ways of doing it.

Why safety glasses fog up


Before we get into how to prevent the glasses from fogging up, let us first take a look at why your glasses might fog up in the first place. There are many reasons why this can happen with the most common ones being:

Working in a hot environment

When you are working in a hot environment, the glasses are more likely to heat up, which causes them to fog up.

The safety glasses are too tight

When you are wearing snug safety glasses, you prevent effective flow of air, which causes the glasses to fog up.

Increased humidity

When you are working in an environment with a lot of moisture, the lenses are more likely to fog.

You are sweating too much.


You are bound to sweat when you are working too hard or working in a hot environment. When you sweat, you increase the moisture levels in the air contributing to fogging.

How to keep safety glasses from fogging up


For you to prevent the injuries that come with working with fogged-up safety glasses, you should prevent the glasses from fogging up. The cool thing is that there are many ways of making it possible. Some of these ways include:

Change the design of the safety glasses

If the fogging is coming about due to wearing safety glasses that are too tight, you should go with units that have a design that allows the air to flow around the lens easily. When you wear such glasses, you ensure that no moisture is deposited on the glasses.

Apply anti-fog coating

There are anti-fog sprays, wipes, and gels that can help you get rid of the fogging problem. It’s easy to apply the coating as all you need is spray it, and you are good to go. You can buy the anti-fog products online or from your local store.

Invest in anti-fog safety glasses

If you have tried all of the above and you aren’t solving the issue, you should consider investing in anti-fog safety glasses. These units come with lenses that are specifically designed to prevent the fogging from coming about.

The glasses also feature frame styles that allow improved airflow. Other safety glasses sit away from your face, which comes in handy in limiting the effects of fogging.

Wear a headband

When working, you should consider wearing a headband that will soak any sweat that might be forming on your face. This reduces condensation that can build up in your glasses.

Don’t overdress

When you are working in cold environment, it’s common to wear layers to keep you warm. You should note that wearing a lot of clothes puts your glasses at the risk of fogging up. This is because you tend to sweat a lot, and the sweat will reach the glasses.

For you to be on the safe side, you should avoid overdressing to the extent that you are sweating. You should wear just enough clothes.

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