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Does Irish Spring Soap Keep Mice Away

Does Irish Spring Soap Keep Mice Away?

I love the look and strong smell of Irish spring. Every time I use it, I feel clean and fresh. Recently I had a mice problem. I have used rat traps before, but I didn’t have one at the time.…

do deer eat mums?

Do Deer Eat Mums?

Chrysanthemums or mums are flowering plants common in most Asian and European homes. Besides giving the yard a homey look, they are also used as a natural insecticide and in controlling air pollution. Mums are also used to make beverages…


Can I have An Alpaca In My Backyard?

They resemble an ostrich mixed with a camel and a standard poodle. They are thin, tall, and cuddly looking. They have the softest hair and extremely cheap to keep as livestock. They are the Alpacas. If you love having animals…

how to trim old trees

What is the Best Time to Trim Old Trees?

Pruning trees and shrubs is essential for many reasons. Pruning helps in the growth and development of new trees while it is also good for mature trees. It prevents unwanted growth in mature trees and helps remove the infected and…

can you mow wet grass

Can You Mow Wet Grass?

The best time to mow your lawn is when the grass is dry, but it comes a time during the mowing season when the rain keeps falling incessantly. The grass grows tall, and you wonder whether you should or shouldn’t…

outdoor cooking safety tips

7 Outdoor Cooking Safety Tips Every Person Should Know

Whenever the sun is out, many families cook outdoors. The summer and autumn are usually shimmering with sunshine. Fine weather transforms these seasons into opportunities for taking kitchen activities outside. Barbecues, outdoor parties, and festivals provide motivation. Despite the fun…

how to seed a lawn from scratch

How To Seed A Lawn From Scratch

When it comes to lawn seeding, there are numerous considerations to bear. Here in this article, we look at how to seed a lawn from scratch, providing relevant information that you can take home. If you are like most of…

yakitori grill diy

Yakitori Grill DIY Tips

If you love trying out different food styles, you might have thought about trying out yakitori style Japanese food. Unlike with the regular food varieties that you can make at your regular kitchen, you will need to invest in a…

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