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gardening tools

6 Gardening Tools To Keep Your Garden in Tip-Top Shape

Last Updated on July 21, 2020 by Duncan

Gardens are a great addition to a home, and remind us how beautiful nature is. Unfortunately, maintaining a beautiful garden isn’t always easy.

Thankfully, there are plenty of gardening tools that make the process a lot easier. In this article, we’ll talk about 6 tools that can help you keep your garden in tip-top shape. Sound interesting? Then keep on reading!

A spade and shovel

One of the most crucial garden tools for beginners and experts is the classic spade and shovel. These handy devices help you dig up dirt, get rid of weeds, and quickly transfer plants from one location to another.

The difference between these two is the shape and size. The angled shovel is better for digging, while the flat spade is better for lifting sod.

A pitchfork

A pitchfork or garden fork is an excellent tool for any garden, as it has many uses. Not only does it provide less damage to the garden beds, but you can also use it to move mulch and compost much more easily than a shovel.

The garden fork is also excellent at getting rid of beds of weeds, as it removes them right down to the root.

A good knife

Knives are great multitools and can be extremely helpful in the garden. They can help with pruning, harvesting, and cutting away small branches.

Different blades like these ones from Lamnia have different uses, but you should always choose something you are comfortable with.

You also should check out your government rules and regulations before ordering anything, as some blades are restricted.

A wheelbarrow

If you plan on doing a large amount of gardening and maintenance, then a wheelbarrow is essential. Not only will it make moving around large amounts of soil much more comfortable, but it also decreases your risk of injury.

A wheelbarrow can also help you get rid of any green waste and gives you an extra place to store leftover soil.

A sprinkler system

While you should try and water the garden frequently with a watering can or expandable hose, a sprinkler system can do a lot of the hard work for you.

On top of that, you can set it on timers, so you don’t have to worry about turning it on and off. Garden hoses are an excellent way to save water and time. It’s a win-win!

A good set of gardening gloves

And lastly, one of the essential items for any gardener is a good pair of gardening gloves! Not only will these prevent you from getting injured, but you’ll be able to perform tasks for a much longer time without aching hands.

Gardening gloves come in plenty of designs and colors that you will find a pair that is perfect for you.

And that’s it! These were six tools that can help you keep your garden in top shape. As you are using the tools, use them with care, so you don’t get hurt.

For gloves and others that require you to wear them, wear them correctly, so you get maximum benefits.

On my 15th birthday, I became the designated gardener in my home.

Now at 32, I have a small garden and every day I'm out trying different plants and seeing how they grow. I grow guavas, peaches, onions, and many others. Want to know more about me? Read it here.

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