Should You Wear Headphones While Mowing The Lawn?
Last Updated on May 10, 2022 by Duncan
If you are wondering whether you should wear headphones while mowing the lawn, yes, you should do it as they come in handy at protecting your ears from the loud lawnmower noise.
To get the best protection, you have to use high-quality headphones, and there are many of them in the market you can go for. Some of the best we have come across here at workhabor are:
3M work tunes, isoTunes, and many others. Follow this link to read more about the best headphones for lawn mowing.
What makes good headphones for lawn mowing?
To get the most from your headphones, you have to buy nothing but the absolute best. What makes good headphones for lawn mowing? There are plenty of features, with the common ones being:
Sonic isolation
You need headphones to keep out as much lawnmower noise as possible. After all, what is the point of buying headphones that won’t block lawnmower noise?
Ideally, you need headphones that provide at least 25 dB of noise isolation. For you to get a good amount of isolation, you need to ensure that the headphones have a good seal, so no lawnmower noise leaks in.
To avoid surprises, and find out too late that the headphones are ineffective, always take your time to try them out before buying.
Ideal headphones should provide an excellent seal, but they shouldn’t be too tight that they are uncomfortable or give you a headache.
While there are many types of headphones you can go for, we have found over-the-ear headphones to be the best. Some people say that they leak lawnmower noise, but from our experience, they are perfect at blocking lawnmower noise.
The only thing you need to do is ensure that they give you a good seal.
Over-the-ear headphones also tend to be more comfortable than all the other types, so, you can wear them for hours without suffering from exhaustion.
Tonal balance
Do you love listening to music or podcasts as you are mowing? You need headphones that will give you a great sound. I particularly love listening to my music with good bass, so I have a solid affinity for headphones with strong bass.
It doesn’t have to be the case with you. It all depends on your preferences.
It’s okay to listen to music when you are mowing, but the sound shouldn’t be too loud that you can’t hear what is going around you. Loud music also damages your ears.
To enjoy your music and mowing, put just minimal sound, and you are good to go.
Different headphones sell at different prices depending on their build, brand, store, etc. Although more expensive headphones tend to be better in quality, it doesn’t mean they will provide you with vital noise isolation.
You need to be cautious when buying, as you can spend several hundreds of dollars only to find that the headphones don’t block much of the lawnmower noise.
Even if you are strapped for cash, avoid buying cheap headphones. This calls for you to avoid those selling for 20 bucks or less, as they are practically useless.
Besides having a poor build hence breaking in the first week, if not day, they don’t provide any noise isolation, so they don’t protect your vital ears.
Remember, you are better off without cheap headphones as by buying them, you spend money but fail to protect your ears.